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 If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you. 
The Plaza Community Club is a city organization that promotes events, businesses, and organizations in the City.  Composed of members of the area and community, as well as business owners and interested parties, we organize and put on City events.  These include the Annual City Celebration around July 20th, featuring a Steak Fry in the Park and a Bull Riding event, Bukkin-in0the-Bakken.  We also have a Fall Harvestfest, with food contests, music in the hall and a hay ride for the kids.  At Christmas time, we have a Drawing in the City Hall for kids and adults, with Santa giving out gifts.  We also support our local charities and organizations through donations and event sponsoring. 

We have a number of drawings a year to raise money for our events, as well as collect charitable gaming revenue that we disburse to needing groups and organizaitons.  We greatly appreciate everyone who has been to a City event and hope you continue to come. 

We also would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our organization over the years.  Without your support we could not continue to put on events and help out our City.

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